Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rev. Borghardt Sermon vs Edward Sermon

Part 1.) Christ is mentioned 16 times: he is the subject 10 times. The verbs are:  makes holly, slain, took, slain, died, rose, came, rose, came, is there.

Part 2.) The themes of Edward's sermon and Rev. Borghardt's sermon are completely  opposite. Edward's sermon focuses on our punishment. He describes how we deserve death and should go to hell. The sermon mainly describes  how we are all sinners, and  he barely  mentions Christ opening the doors of  heaven for us. Borghardt's sermon however  is the complete opposite. Borghardt talks about how we receive salvation from Christ’s sacrifice for us. He also talked about Christ's second coming. His  is very Christ centered, unlike Jonathan Edward's, whose sermons focus was the wrath of God.
By: Tino Moore

1 comment:

  1. Great job on specifically stating both pastor's beliefs! I liked how you chose to jump straight to conclusions by saying how "we deserve death and should go to hell". It really emphasizes the cruelty. It would be a little nicer if you used happier words to describe Borghardt's sermon to back up your thesis statement: "The themes of Edward's sermon and Rev. Borghardt's sermon are completely opposite."
