Sunday, February 6, 2011

Postman charades

            Our attempt to change the medium of our conversation went interesting to say the least.  It was easy to convey simple concrete ideas such as yes and no. However when it came to a more complex thought, the median resulted in me looking like a fool. For example when I had to use the restroom, my drawing of a toilet to convey my necessity was not clearly understood, although it was quite amusing.  In relation to Postmans book it’s a perfect example of how the median has the power to skew the content. All in all it was a humorous, yet interesting learning experience.
Tino Moore

Merely a median?

I found myself chuckling that we watched this video on computer of all things. Maybe we will talk more with machines than humans! "It is a delusion to believe that the technological changes of our era have rendered irrelevant the wisdom of the ages." Neil strikes the point with that quote. He is addressing that our modern technology is only the median, which he describes in the book, for the content conveyed. The computer and phone are only another form of the median.
“Try to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if possible, speak a few reasonable words." He is talking about being involved in ones surroundings rather and using devices only to communicate. However, his fear as stated in the book is that with advancing technology as the median it becomes easier and more convenient to communicate and as we attach ourselves to the idea of convenience it becomes more like our devices are controlling us, rather than we control the devices.  An idea that we are to be operated by the device, not the way it was intended. The entire book is spent to elaborate on the fact that we are so conveniently on the verge of amusing ourselves to death. We are part of a technological era that is focused on entertainment rather than logic and philosophy.  We live in the time of the technological social network.  The book and the video discuss how the convenience of our technological median has created some unique problems.  The technology of the median is advancing, but humans increased reliance on convenience because of it is causing content degradation.
Tino Moore

Friday, January 28, 2011


  1. With the words “Civility in public discourse is important” Chavez expresses that it is sensible to act presentable and according in public affairs, however she does not state that language must be completely to achieve this
  2. Bellicose means favoring or a tendency to start wars. She describes the political metaphors as bellicose and goes on to say that they “have been a staple of politics from the beginning .“ she uses bellicose because it accurately represents political slogans that have been in use and are successful at getting their point across. While it may not be the most civil in its intent, it expresses the party’s point of view.
  3. A) she attempts to pursuade the reader that censoring uncivil words out of literature to remain publicly correct can detract from the overall meaning of the work. B) For example:huck fin replacing the n word with slave.
  4. I agree with Chavez because while they may be uncivil some words accurately express a point and teach a lesson like about slavery in huck fin

Tino Moore

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Going Green

  1. "I’m going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift. Hopefully I wont be admitted soon, But when I do go it will be a fulfillment of my childhood dream of going to med school.?"

    2. The intent of this essay by Semrau is to convince more people to sign up  to be used for medical research and education.  It is strengthened as he keeps information from the reader. He catches your interest without fully revealing the topic. This strategy was basically to keep the reader interested long enough in order to make his point.  Once Waldemar made his point near the en of the essay, he still managed to leave out some info in order to keep the reader reading. His strategy worked on me. I kept reading ignorant to the actual point until the end.  His style also helps to persuade the reader into agreeing with his point of donating your body to science by first working on their emotional side.  It was also clever of him to compare anatomical donations to recycling.  By appealing to peoples urge to “go green” Waldemar is able to persuade a larger group of readers. Waldemar uses his syle of withholding information to keep the reader interested, work on personal emotion, and persuade them to his point.

Tino Moore

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Savior of nations

I found Luther's hymn quite passionate. He emphasizes the holiness of Christ with diction. The words he chooses are very eloquent and adoring. He describes Christ's “wondrous birth”, as the “virgins son”, the “savior of nations”, and describes his kingdom as “boundless.” Luther even describes his origin, of virgin Mary as “undefiled.” Lathers theme is the adoration of Christ. His word choice clearly expresses it. Among diction he also uses a rhythmic pattern to keep it interesting. His rhythmic scheme includes words such as “disowned” and ”enthroned”, “child” and “undefiled”, and “hell” with “swell.” On top of diction and a rhythmic pattern Luther also uses repetition to add emphasis to his passionate words. He repeats “flesh”, “praise”, and “God.” His hymn creates a feeling of joy in the reader. We feel safe to take refuge in Christ, after all he is “not by human flesh and blood, but by the spirit of our God.” He mentions the Father and Son alluding to the triune God. Luther pays respect to God by what he describes and by what he alludes to. All in all, Luther’s  hymn is a passionate tribute to a “wonderful” and “glorious” God.
By Tino Moore

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rev. Borghardt Sermon vs Edward Sermon

Part 1.) Christ is mentioned 16 times: he is the subject 10 times. The verbs are:  makes holly, slain, took, slain, died, rose, came, rose, came, is there.

Part 2.) The themes of Edward's sermon and Rev. Borghardt's sermon are completely  opposite. Edward's sermon focuses on our punishment. He describes how we deserve death and should go to hell. The sermon mainly describes  how we are all sinners, and  he barely  mentions Christ opening the doors of  heaven for us. Borghardt's sermon however  is the complete opposite. Borghardt talks about how we receive salvation from Christ’s sacrifice for us. He also talked about Christ's second coming. His  is very Christ centered, unlike Jonathan Edward's, whose sermons focus was the wrath of God.
By: Tino Moore